Here you go George, it's the mystery cat, Orangie... He's usually NEVER seen by strangers. You got lucky when you caught even a glimpse of him.

He doesn't like his picture taken and is giving me the Evil Eye!

He was a true feral cat that started hanging around our home when we lived in Prescott, WI. It took years for him to trust us enough to let us pet him. It's only been the last 2 years that I've even dared to pick him up without the fear of loosing a finger. I'm still trying to get him to be OK with me rubbing his belly... he's getting there, but only for a minute or so.
He had super bad frost bite on his ears about 3 years ago and that's when he started to live inside full time. Now, I don't think he'd go out if I left the door open. He sees wildlife in the back yard, growls at it and backs away from the patio door. He's turned into a real cuddler at night, and will spend hours in my lap if I sit there and let him.
Here he his with frost bite!!!! FYI, he's all better now as you can see in the above pictures.

And here's one Nancy took...

Me on the left and George on the right.
Ouchy! Poor cat. Yeah, rescue cats don't trust people easily. Mine was always shy and remained that way around everything kids or male. It only tolerated my mom and me.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like guys had a very relaxing time together. Great, you could meet up.
He has made remarkable progress. When he first started to come by the house, he would run away if he saw us in the windows. He is a great cat, just really afraid of strangers.
DeleteGeorge is an interesting guy! Nancy and I had a really nice time. I'm so glad he could stop at our place.
Ouchy is right. Poor kitty. I am glad he is all better and is enjoying being an inside cat. Sure wish Basil would change his ways. Although as he gets older he seems to stay in more and only goes out when we are home.
ReplyDeleteGreat picture of you and George..... having fun and looking over maps.
Orangie has become a real affectionate cat since he started living inside.
DeleteHe has another real weird ability. For the last few years, when I'd head off to Sturgis with my usual group, Oranie would go outside the day after I left. He would not come home, no matter how much Nancy called for him... And, he'd return home and be at the patio door the morning after I returned. How weird is that?