Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 9. Bishop, CA through Yosemite, to Angels Camp, CA

This morning I thought it might be a good day to take in Yosemite N.P. It's also the day I decided to try and overcome my insane fear of heights!!
I left Bishop and headed for Lee Vining up 395. What a beautiful highway!

The view driving up 395

Highway 120, aka Tioga Pass Road, is mostly up hill all the way to the Yosemite entrance. The pictures don't reflect the reality of just how high the road climbs.

I know it may not look like it, but there is a road down at the bottom. It was almost straight down!

The same shot at 40X zoom...

I took a lot more pictures, but after a while they kind of start to look the same. I did meet an older guy in the park. He had worked there for over 30 years. He told me which roads to take in where to turn. He was very helpful. I spent over 5 hours in the park. I was comfortable at the higher elevations, but when I dropped down into Yosemite Valley the temp really went up. I was stuck in a lot of stop and go traffic. The Valley was packed.
I did amaze myself with where I went to get some of the pictures. I walked out onto a bridge that was so high, I could barely see the river below. I even walked out to the edge of some very steep drop offs on the sides of the roads. I'm not over my fear of heights, but I'm not paralyzed by it anymore (I hope).
I left the park on 120 towards Big Oak Flat, and followed it to hwy 49. I took 49 through Sonora, and stopped for the night in Angels Camp. The temp was nearly 100 degrees. I was wearing jeans, over pants, a non mesh textile jacket, gloves and a helmet. I was roasting! It wouldn't have been as bad if I could have picked up some speed, but traffic kept speeds slow.

I think I'm going to try and reach the coast tomorrow. I'd like to see some redwoods up by Eureka/Fortuna. After that, I'll drive up into Oregon a ways, then start to make my way towards home. Maybe.