Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Nancy and I go Old School in the Kitchen.... Or...

Far out man... the colors...

I'm sorry, but there's no motorcycle related content in today's post, but I'm living an out west tour, vicariously at least, through my riding buddy's blog at Riding Retired Plus.

For the last couple of days Nancy and I have been enjoying a break from the heat and humidity, so we've spent a few hours yesterday and today taking walks along the roadsides. We've been searching for, and finding Blackberries and Chokecherries.

Tonight, we're in the middle of making a batch of Blackberry jelly. We've crushed and boiled the berries and are soon to turn the juice into jelly.... mmmmmm...

The first pictures are a couple of rags that Nancy and I decided to try our hand at tie-dying, something I haven't done since 1969. We had a little bit of juice left over, so... we got creative. I'm really trying hard to not let this blog turn into something out of Mother Earth News... LOL

Jelly pictures... Right out of the water bath canner.

MMMMMM!!!! good!