Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Finally... Something Motorcycle Related!!!

The sun was shining today and it melted the ice in the driveway enough for me to get a bike out! I put 45 miles on the Wr250x. I tried to get a picture of Lake Namekagon, but the road to the landing was still blocked with snow. So I back tracked into town and headed up Hwy 63 to Drummond. I was thinking of going all the way up to Lake Superior, but it was still a little too cool for a long highway ride.

The weather is supposed to be even better tomorrow. If it's real nice I'll bring out a big bike and take a long ride!! For some reason, my riding gear shrunk a bit while hanging in the garage....I don't get it.

This morning, I saw another new creature to add to the list of visitors to the backyard... A red squirrel. We have lots of gray and black squirrels.

For about the last week, we've had some new night time visitors, flying squirrels. I'd never seen a flying squirrel before. They're about the size of a chipmunk.