Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fall Color Photos #3

It's amazing how fast the colors change! It seems like I was just saying how slow and unorganized the change was this year. Well I'd have to say that in my neighborhood, the colors may have hit their peak a few days ago. There are still lots of great colors, but some trees are bare or almost bare. A lot depends on where you are, and what variety of trees you're looking at.

A few Maple leaves from some of the different varieties of Maples in the yard.

This is from this morning. It's just a few feet into the woods on the south side of our home...
There's a neighbor over there somewhere. Their place is about 600' away through the woods.

Looking towards the west... This is a cluster of trees that's kind of a buffer between the house and the road.

Towards the north. This was a bright red Maple tree a few days ago...

I found some aerial shots of the area around our home. It's easy to differentiate the Oaks and Maples... The 2 houses across the street from us are used a "cabins" and only occupied a few weeks a year.

Being retired has it's advantages. I've been able to spend a couple hours in the woods behind the house. Without having to cut down any of the dozen or so standing dead Oaks, I was able to find plenty of downed stuff that was off the ground and dry. It looks like I'll have to build another wood rack in the garage for more dry stuff.