Friday, November 11, 2011

A Motorcycle for Every Day of the Week!

I follow a few motorcycle related blogs, and the list keeps growing. On one of the blogs the author asked a question, "If you had unlimited funds and could have one bike for every day of the week, what bikes would you choose?"
That blog was This One.

So, I searched the internet for images of bikes I'd like to own. Most of them are older bikes. Here's my list.

I'd keep my 2009 Kawasaki ZX-14.

I've always thought that the Honda CBX was an awesome bike, so it makes my list.

Next up would be a bit of nostalgia for me. I'd like to reacquire the first motorcycle I owned, a ruby red, 1971, Honda SL-70. Mine looked just like this. Well, maybe not as pretty.....

In keeping with my youth... I was a big fan of Cafe Racers, so this would bring me back...

I'm still not done with my past. This would be a tough choice. I know it's 2 bikes but I just couldn't decide which....
A modern, Evo engined, Sturgis
Or the ultra cool, old school, XLCR,
Both are the right color, and both have minimal chrome. Just the way I like it. Sorry, but I can't pick just one.

Not all the bikes I like are old. This would be a lot fun on the weekend out on my 40 acres...

My last one would be a Goldwing. I'd have another one if Nancy could ride again. I sold the one I used to have when she had to give up riding. We really enjoyed traveling!

So, there's my list of bikes. It's interesting to see other people's choices.


  1. Great mix of bikes you have there Erik. I hope it wasn't too much trouble to narrow the list to 7.

    Thanks you for playing along.

  2. Very cool! Here's my list
