Monday, April 02, 2012

Messing with the Cats...

Because I live in an area with abundant predatory wild life, the cats are now no longer free to roam outside. To keep them entertained, I've started to feed squirrels right outside the patio door. This drives the cats crazy and gives them something to do all day. I took a ceder 1x6 and drove 3 nails through it. I put ear corn on the nails and let the squirrels come to feed. If there's a squirrel out on the feeder and the cats are watching, all I have to do is whisper s-q-u-i-r-r-e-l-l-l-l... and the cats will fold their ears back like a Scottish Fold, flatten themselves out on the floor, and they'll start twitching and making AAAAAAAAkkkk noises. The poor cats are just waiting for me to flip the door latch and slide the patio door open so they can chase them.

At my last house, one of the cats, Vinnie, caught a squirrel on our deck. He had it by the neck for a few seconds, but it managed to twist its way out of Vinnie's mouth. Vinnie has been waiting for round two....Two of the other cats are very skilled hunters. Sticky, once brought home a mouse, a chipmunk, and a robin all in one short afternoon outside, and he has no teeth!!!

4 of the 6 boys..... waiting....

Waiting for this....

Screamer(L), and Vinnie(R) ready for the chase....


  1. That is awesome. Do the squirrels ever get spooked with the cats so close to the corn?

    1. The squirrels will actually come up to the glass and stare at the cats. Brave, but foolish little guys. It's a long ways to the trees for safety...

  2. Poor cats...coll pic though, I can only imagine what is going through there heads!

    1. They sit at the door and seem like they're on the edge of having a stroke. Their head and body are shaking and they look like they're glued to the floor.

  3. I can imagine the cats frustration, lol So close yet so far.

    NINJA ZX-14 Moto Vlog

  4. Our 2 indoor cats suffer in the same way, though we've still got 2 barn cats that seem to do well outside and have managed to stay out of harm's way. Turkeys and deer catch their attention daily.

    1. Our 6 cats are all neutered male strays that we've taken in. They showed up at our home in Prescott and never left. We tried to find there owners but no one claimed them. A few years ago there were a ton of foreclosures in the neighborhood, I think some of the cats came from abandoned homes. I think they're all happy because they all get along with each other.
