Saturday, October 27, 2012

Another Day in the Woods.

It was quite cool this morning. A little too cool to take any of the bikes for a ride. So I did the next best thing.

I spent most of the day...

I got to play with these...

While a couple of the cats got a few minutes outside.

When it was all over, I had this...

While I was working outside, Nancy was busy inside....
Brad, Brandy, do you recognize this?

She also made a big pot of vegetable beef soup...

After dinner, I plan to spend some time in front of this...

And maybe some time in here...

After 2 of these..


  1. Nancy:

    You beat me to it ! I also have some Apple Dumplings for dessert. I wished I could try some of your Beef Vegetable Soup

    Riding the Wet Coast
    My Flickr // My YouTube

  2. A good day of working outside and a warm house with a hot dinner and dessert. Sounds like a great day. did you two like the dumplings?

  3. They're very good. We both think the recipe is a keeper! The kitchen smelled so nice when they were baking

  4. I sent this post to my sister in CO who will be moving to WI near me sometime soon, we hope. I told her this is a typical WI winter day. Early winter, but the same scene just changes to white later on.

    1. I'm sure it won't be long and things will be covered in white.

  5. Ah, Erik - Fall; the sights, the sounds, the smells. Isn't it wonderful?

    1. I like Fall...It's just what's coming next I'm not a fan of.
