Monday, December 10, 2012

Sunday Night's Snow

Those of us that live in the mid-west and not on the tropical we(s)t coast had to deal with snow this weekend. I spent the morning clearing the driveway. But first I had to fix the tree. The cats did a number on it last night... and I think this is the guilty guy..

I figure we got around 5 inches(12.7cm) last night.
By the time I finished, Nancy had a fire going and the Christmas stocking were hanging from the mantel.. 5 little ones for the cats.


  1. Awww, kitteh stockings. How cute, you big softie.

  2. Erik:

    Where's MY STOCKING ? you know, the PINK one . . .

    Yep, that cat looks like the guilty one

    Riding the Wet Coast
    My Flickr // My YouTube

    1. Bob, I've got your present, just not your stocking!

    2. Erik:

      now I'm curious . . . I hope it's something Nancy baked. Will it keep until July ?

      Riding the Wet Coast
      My Flickr // My YouTube

  3. I thought that all cats look guilty of something. Did the tree just get knocked over or did they chew through it like a beaver. If the cats chewed through it, you should put them to work felling trees for you...

    1. I wish I could put them to work for me! They'd probably screw up too many things and slack off more than they would actually work. I tell you, all the cats are pretty shifty!!!
      The tree was just knocked a little out of alignment in the stand.

  4. I'm sorry...I'm still laughing at that tree...Your kitty did a number on that. Psst- good job, Kitty!

    1. That's Screamer and I'm pretty sure he's the guilty one. His brother, Rudy, is just as bad, but with his crossed eyes he just doesn't look guilty!

  5. I know cat guilt when I see it and in this case, no hearing is necessary. Let's many days/nights until Christmas??

    Good luck Erik!

    1. We hung some small ornaments on the tree last night. This morning the whole tree was on its side!!!!

      This might not have been a good idea.

  6. Love the mini stocking for the kitties.

    I think they climbed the tree just to lean it to see out the window better. Aren't kitties fun?

    Can you set up a GoPro at night so we can see the action?
