Monday, April 29, 2013

going, Going, GO...

Almost there! Let the riding commence!!

The Wisconsin Fishing opener is this Saturday, May 4. Some lakes may still have ice on them!


  1. Looks like it's time to start filling up the wood bin again!

    1. I only have a dozen or so pieces of wood left in the racks in the garage. My sister lost a big Aspen/Birch tree at her cabin this winter. As soon as the ground dries out, I'll cut it up and bring it home. I'd like to have at least 6 face cords (4'x8'x16") drying in the sun soon!

  2. Welcome to the Bare Earth Club!!!

    Of course we all know up here that between now and Memorial Day something can happen...

    But! It might all be rain. Nice house and piece of property you have! I just love a gravel driveway.

    1. The bare earth was a LONG time in coming!

      Thanks, the house sits on one lot, and I have 1 lot on each side. No full time residence neighbors for almost a block in either direction.

  3. Careful out there in the boat Erik. I heard today that Lake of The Woods has 26 inches of ice for the opener.

    Leave the boat, grab the auger.....

    1. I think there will still be a few with ice on them. The Governor is supposed to be fishing Lake Namekagon this weekend. The pictures I took a few days ago show people still ice fishing on it!!

  4. Erik:

    Your snow sure melted fast. Hard to believe that it is that warm already

    Make sure the ice is frozen before you walk on it

    Riding the Wet Coast

  5. Wow, that melted pretty darn quick. Must be having some nice sunny weather. Good for you. Now get out and ride........

    I like the pictures of the yard - no neighbors close by.

  6. Looks like I have copied your blog title today...

    Now, throw some green in the mix and spring has finally arrived.

  7. Thank God snow is long gone in my area!

    Riding My Own Biography
    NINJA ZX-14 MotoVlog
