Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Signs of Spring!

The last couple of days have been quite a bit warmer than normal. Spring is in the air... I can smell it. I know that we'll probably be getting more snow, but at least it won't be staying long.

The roads are ice free, but still sandy. The driveway is all that separates me from a much wanted motorcycle ride.

The roof is almost clear.

There's still a considerable amount of snow on the ground.

It's currently 58°F outside, and the rest of the week is supposed to be almost the same!

I better get out in the garage and start warming up the bikes!


  1. That almost looks like a rideable path to the road!

    1. The path is improving a little each hour! Bring on the bright sunshine and some wind, and I'll be able to ride in no time...

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Sonja, I'm sorry I accidentally removed your comment. I was deleting spam and hit the wrong button. Sorry!!!!!!!

  3. bit late replying but
    hows the melting snow going up there
    has spring sprung for you and let you out for a bit of ride

    1. Spring has been really trying hard to get here, but winter just refuses to go away! We've had a real mix... snow for 2 days then 55 degrees for a couple. Now, it snowed again today and it will be cold this weekend. Warmer temps expected next week.
      I did get the little wr250 out for a short ride.. That was nice. I expect the big bikes to come out in the next week or two.

  4. Lovely photos, and so nice to see a Canada goose. Warm greetings from Montreal, Canada. :)
